
[1] Ballier, F.; Dmytruk, T. & Fleischer, J. (2018), „A Gripper System Design method for the Handling of Textile Parts“. Tagungsband des 3. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter, Hrsg. Schüppstuhl, T.; Tracht, K. & Franke, J., S. 73-82. 10.1007/978-3-662-56714-2


This paper presents the first results in the development of a method for designing gripper systems for handling non-rigid flat parts such as textiles. The work focuses on the use of multiple small individual grippers instead of large-scale grippers to reduce the weight on the end-effector. As a result, not every area of the non-rigid part has a direct contact to a gripper and, therefore, the material between the gripper elements deforms. The goal is to find a gripper system design which takes into account these deformations. Therefore, a first approach to the arrangement of the individual grippers on the non-rigid part will be presented. Furthermore, a reconfigurable gripper system is introduced which makes it possible to set up a wide range of gripper configurations.
[2] Fleischer, J.; Coutandin, S. C. & Ballier, F. (2018), „Automatisch zum richtigen Greifer“, (Handhabung-Montage-Robotik) ., S. 6.


Das Forschungsprojekt AsenBa hat Ansätze entwickelt, um den Aufwand für die Planung von Handhabungssystemen zu minimieren. Die individuelle Auslegung von Handhabungssystemen wird durch eine Auslegungslogik realisiert, die auf Simulationsergebnisse zurückgreift.