Alexander Bott, M.Sc.

  • 76131 Karlsruhe
    Kaiserstraße 12

Alexander Bott, M.Sc.

Area of Research:

  • Industry 4.0
    • Wear models for drive elements
    • Sensor integration

General Tasks:

  • Supervision drive laboratory
  • Demo Center I4.0
  • Talent Pool

Test benches:

Curriculum Vitae:

seit 04/2022

Research associate at the Institute of Production Engineering (wbk) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

09/2019 – 03/2022

Master's degree (M.Sc) in mechanical engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT)


Bachelor studies (B.Sc) in mechanical engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT)


Technical Secondary School


Trained mechanic at Felsomat GmbH & Co. KG


Apprenticeship at Felsomat GmbH & Co. KG



Machine Learning-Driven RUL Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification for Ball Screw Drives in a Cloud-Ready Maintenance Framework
Bott, A.; Liu, B.; Puchta, A.; Fleischer, J.
2024. Journal of Machine Engineering, 24 (3), 17 – 31. doi:10.36897/jme/192681
A Gaia-X-based Ecosystem for Manufacturing: Lessons Learned from the Project Gaia-X4ICM
Erb, Y.; Teigeler, H.; Lins, S.; Sunyaev, A.; Gleich, K.; Behrendt, S.; Karimi, E.; Bott, A.; Lanza, G.; Schulze, V.; Fleischer, J.; Leander-Knoll, M.; Jaganathan, K.; Scheibenberger, K.; Frick, F.; Bubeck, W.; Neher, P.; Neumann, R.; Lechler, A.; Verl, A.; Riedel, O.; Andriushchenko, O.; Shcherbakov, O.; Hoppe, D.; Brinkmeier, D.
2024. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000174929
Experimental uncertainty evaluation by measuring a micro gear standard using focus variation
Gauder, D.; Gölz, J.; Bott, A.; Stein, M.; Lanza, G.
2024. Measurement Science and Technology, 35 (10), Art.-Nr.: 105013. doi:10.1088/1361-6501/ad5ea1
Black Box Adversarial Reprogramming for Time Series Feature Classification in Ball Bearings’ Remaining Useful Life Classification
Bott, A.; Schreyer, F.; Puchta, A.; Fleischer, J.
2024. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 6 (3), 1969 – 1996. doi:10.3390/make6030097
Vom Verbrauchsmonitoring zur Verbrauchsprognose - Untersuchung des Umgangs produzierender Unternehmen mit Energieverbrauchsmonitoring und -vorhersage
Ströbel, R.; Bott, A.; Hutt, L.; Groß, S.; Fleischer, J.
2024. ZWF Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 119 (1-2), 80 – 84. doi:10.1515/zwf-2024-1009
Framework for Holistic Online Optimization of Milling Machine Conditions to Enhance Machine Efficiency and Sustainability
Bott, A.; Anderlik, S.; Ströbel, R.; Fleischer, J.; Worthmann, A.
2024. Machines, 12 (3), Art.-Nr.: 153. doi:10.3390/machines12030153
Towards a Testing Framework for Machine Learning Model Deployment in Manufacturing Systems
Heider, I.; Baumgärtner, J.; Bott, A.; Ströbel, R.; Puchta, A.; Fleischer, J.
2024. 10th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems (CIRP CATS 2024) Hrsg.: Fleischer , Jürgen; Jörg, Krüger, 127, 122–128. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2024.07.022
Model-Based Diagnosis of Feed Axes with Contactless Current Sensing
Hansjosten, M.; Bott, A.; Puchta, A.; Gönnheimer, P.; Fleischer, J.
2023. M. Liewald, T. Bauernhansl, H.-C. Möhring & A. Verl (Eds.), Production at the Leading Edge of Technology: Proceedings of the 12th Concress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP), University of Stuttgart, October 2022. Hrsg.: Mathias Liewald, Thomas Bauernhansl, Hans-Christian Möhring, Alexander Verl, 314–323, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-18318-8_33
Cyber-Physical Test Environment for the Identification of Interacting Wear Effects in Feed Axes
Bott, A.; Stöbel, R.; Osen, G.; Fleischer, J.
2023. Journal of Machine Engineering, 23 (1), 123–132. doi:10.36897/jme/162266
Generation of Artificial Learning Data to Train Functional Meta-Models of Micro Gears
Schiller, V.; Gauder, D.; Gölz, J.; Bott, A.; Wannenwetsch, M.; Lanza, G.
2022. Procedia CIRP, 114, 67–72. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2022.10.010