
For further information on the lectures of the wbk (schedule of lectures, exercises, tutorials,...) please refer to the respective announcements of the courses on ILIAS. The wbk also informs about the currently scheduled examination dates of the written examinations as well as the execution of exam insights via the respective courses in ILIAS.

Theses at the wbk are supervised by means of online communication, if possible. In consultation, experimental work can also be carried out on site. Please feel free to check our current announcements on final theses!

Further information:

- KIT:
- MACH, MatWerk and MEI degree programs:
- WIWI degree program:

Education belongs to our major responsibilities at the institute. The spectrum of educational opportunities touches nearly every possible field within production technology from development and research, to manufacturing and quality assurance, right up to planning entire factories.
Our course of lectures provides our students with the necessary knowledge that is essential for their future career as an engineer. Through our intense contact with our industrial partners we are able to enrich our lectures by using current applications and trends within production technology. In addition to the traineeships accompanying the lectures, thesis or master´s dissertations and the chance to work with us at the institute, we give our students the opportunity to improve and develop their knowledge by means of practical experience.


Seminar Ankündigung Seminar Anwendung Künstliche Intelligenz in der Produktion M.Sc. Marina Baucks 03.03.2025
Vorlesung Global Production Engineering M.Sc. Maurice Engels ab sofort
Klausur Klausur PTEM M.Sc. Yann Rutschke ab sofort
Vorlesung Projektpraktikum Additive Fertigung M.Sc. Maximilian Frey 14.02.2025
Seminar Bewerbungsformular Process Mining Seminar M.Sc. Finn Bail 12.02.2025
Seminar Process Mining Seminar M.Sc. Finn Bail 12.02.2025
Vorlesung Bewerbung International Production Engineering M.Sc. Nikolai Krischke 01.02.2025
Vorlesung Praktikum Produktionsintegrierte Messtechnik M.Sc. Dominik Koch 15.01.2025
Vorlesung Neue Vorlesung Smart Factory M.Sc. Sebastian Behrendt 14.01.2025
Vorlesung Global Production M.Sc. Moritz Hörger 27.10.2024
Seminar Ankündigung Seminar Data Mining in der Produktion M.Sc. Julia Dvorak 19.08.2024
Seminar Bewerbungsformular Seminar Data Mining in der Produktion M.Sc. Julia Dvorak 19.08.2024
Vorlesung Digitalization from Product Concept to Production M.Sc. Tobias Lachnit 08.07.2024