Johannes Buchholz, M.Sc.
- Research Associate
- department: Production Systems
- office hours: nach Vereinbarung
- room: 116, Geb. 50.36
- phone: +49 1523 9502659
- johannes buchholz ∂ kit edu
76131 Karlsruhe
Kaiserstraße 12
Johannes Buchholz, M.Sc.
Area of Research:
- Quality assurance in electrolyzer manufacturing and fuel cell manufacturing
- Fuel cell remanufacturing
General Tasks:
- Coordination of lecture "Quality management"
- lecture „Sustainable Production Management“ (NaWi)
- Coordination of seminar dates
- module „Six-Sigma“ of Learning Factory Global Production
- internship „Production Integrated Metrology“ (Unit: Automatic Visual Inspection)
Curriculum Vitae:
since 10/2023 |
Research Associate at the Institute of Production Science (wbk) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
09/2017-06/2023 |
Study of Mechanical Engineering at Technical University Ilmenau |
Qualitätssicherung von Brennstoffzellen : Verfahren zur gezielten Einbringung von Defektbildern in Bipolarplatten
Buchholz, J.; Börgardts, R.; Goes, D.; Stamer, F.; Lanza, G.
2024. wt Werkstattstechnik online, 114 (11-12), 710–716. doi:10.37544/1436-4980-2024-11-12-6
Buchholz, J.; Börgardts, R.; Goes, D.; Stamer, F.; Lanza, G.
2024. wt Werkstattstechnik online, 114 (11-12), 710–716. doi:10.37544/1436-4980-2024-11-12-6