YADE - Sponsorship

The YADE-Project is supported by the Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbh (DEG), a German governmental institution, in the framework of the Public-Private-Partnership-Program (PPP-Program).


DEG is a company of the KfW bank group and is financing investments of private enterprises in developing and transition countries. As one of the biggest European developing financiers it supports the expansion of the private sector to reach sustainable economic growth and better living conditions.
The DEG was founded 1962 due to an initiative of the first German minister for development aid Walter Scheel and the former prime minister of Schleswig-Holstein Kai Uwe von Hassel. For more than 47 years DEG supports the economic development and the improvement of living conditions for people in their partner countries. This target will be reached by supporting promising entrepreneurial engagement.

Only successful, sustainable viable private enterprises generate economic growth. They create work and income, a better balance of foreign exchange payments through competitive products, public revenues because of tax payments and increase the added value as a result of continue processing of local available resources.
The DEG realizes it‘s role as a promoter of the private sector in a duplicate perspective.
It is a reliable financing partner for investing enterprises and at the same time it makes sure that these investments will have positive effects for developing countries. For this reason the DEG contributes to the Millennium Development Goals of industrial and developing countries for a sustainable combat against poverty.



In addition to financing and consulting services DEG provides the service of develoPPP.de which is the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) Program of the federal ministry for economic cooperation and development. It unifies the engagement of the private sector and development policy aims and addresses particularly German and European enterprises. They can use resources of the PPP-Program to realize sensible projects in developing and emerging countries.