Sustainable Production
Motivation and aim
Increasing resource efficiency of manufacturing processes and equipment and developing the circular approaches remanufacturing and circular economy.
Resource-efficient processes
- Enhancement of material and energy efficiency of manufacturing processes
- Establishing the concept surface engineering
Resource-efficient plants
- Development of resource-efficient components
- Realization of ressource-efficient equipment
- Modular equipment for dis- and reassembly
- Autonomous production control
- Integrated quality assurance
Circular economy
- Production networks for circular economy
- Business models for circular economy
Director of Production Systems
+49 721 608-44017
Gisela Lanza ∂does-not-exist.kit eduCampus Süd
Junior group leader for Circular Global Production
Production Systems
+49 1523 9502581
Sina Peukert ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
76131 Karlsruhe
Kaiserstraße 12
Chief Engineer production system planning and global production strategies
+49 1523 9502651
martin benfer ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
76131 Karlsruhe
Kaiserstraße 12
Herbsttagung 2020
Already in 2020, our Herbsttagung "Sustainable Production - Circular Economy as Enabler" took place, where speakers from industry and academia gave insights into the challenges but also opportunities of circular economic models. The presentations given can be found on Youtube under the following link (