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Global Advanced Manufacturing Institute (GAMI)
More and more products are no longer manufactured at a single location, but in factories distributed around the world, working closely together in a network around the globe. A fundamental understanding of the mechanisms and processes of these networks and of the most important sales markets such as China is an indispensable competitive advantage. This is why Prof. Gisela Lanza founded the Global Advanced Manufacturing Institute (GAMI) in China: It conducts local research into the requirements of the Chinese market and global production structures in order to develop new, robust production networks for industrial companies.
The GAMI offers a broad portfolio of research and industry projects as well as further education programs, dealing with classic topics such as sourcing and localization, supplier development or quality management, but also focusing on current developments such as Industry 4.0 or Artifical Intelligence.
GAMI is based in the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), about 80 kilometres west of Shanghai. Numerous (inter)national companies and universities are located here, with which GAMI works closely together. The approximately 15 Chinese engineers have mostly studied in Germany and are familiar with both the Chinese and German way of thinking.
Since 2014, GAMI has additionally been acting as KIT China Branch to support KIT scientists in gaining access to relevant research structures, projects, and third-party funds in China.
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